Valentine’s Day is almost here and with it comes a lot of mixed emotions. If you’re in a loving relationship, it can be a welcome opportunity to spend quality time together and indulge in some romance. If you’re single, it can serve as a cruel reminder of your solo status, especially if you’re still getting over the break up.
Whether you’re looking for love, looking to give your relationship a boost, or need to mend a broken heart, there’s a healing crystal to help you prepare for your ideal Valentine’s Day and attract more love into your life.
Rose quartz encourages love from others and love within yourself. Not only can it attract romance, it can help develop self-love. Rose quartz represents unconditional love and appreciation, which are essential to loving yourself more. It emits a safe energy so you can communicate more openly with your significant other or use it to heal heartbreak and forgive those who have hurt you.
Malachite balances the heart chakra. Try sleeping with malachite on your chest if you want to rid yourself of past pain and open yourself up to new love. This green crystal helps to promote positivity and optimism and can be helpful if you’re seeking your soulmate.
Rhodochrosite helps to unleash your inner child, igniting passion, creativity and confidence. Like rose quartz, it encourages unconditional self-love and supports inner healing. Rhodochrosite can clear and activate the heart, sacral and base chakra and open us up to spiritual growth.
Increase your confidence and improve your luck in love with green aventurine. Carry it on you to reduce stress and dispel negative thoughts and feelings. Like malachite, it’s the color of the heart chakra and helps to balance and cleanse it. When the heart chakra is open, we can more easily love ourselves and others, and experience more compassion, empathy and connection.
Another crystal to heal your heart, kunzite is especially effective for getting over past hurt. It supports harmony, compassion and good fortune. It’s the perfect stone to carry on you during your quest to find true love. Kunzite offers comfort and safety and is often thought to be a protective stone for children and infants.
Keep pink tourmaline in the bedroom to promote positivity and openness and bring all kinds of love into your life. It encourages joy and peace and provides comfort and safety. Pink tourmaline can be worn or carried to ease stress and tension.
If you’re seeking calm and balance, look to the moonstone. It can help bring peace to a tense relationship and is often recommended for men looking to get in touch with their feminine sides. Moonstone provides protection and attracts love. Try sleeping with it under your pillow for a restful sleep.
Crystals have long been used to attract and strengthen love and provide emotional healing. Once you find the right crystal for you, you can wear it in a piece of jewellery, place it in your home, or hold it during meditation. If you’re using crystals and wondering when their effects will pay off, or want to know your Valentine’s Day love forecast, consult a spiritual advisor.