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Are You Fulfilling Your Life's Purpose

Are You Fulfilling Your Life's Purpose

Before we came here you had a reason for being here to make spiritual growth in your lifetime. Some may choose to explore this with themselves as a twin flame (meaning your soul splits into two bodies to force you to interact with the worst parts of yourself.) Most likely you came here with intentions of following your dreams. Whether it be to be a Doctor, dental assistant or even just a free spirit traveling and learning more about the world around you. Many of us have contracts to fulfill before we transition into our next lifetime. Unfortunately, the most common block you will experience in life is stopping your life to fulfill someone else’s destiny. Thus, essentially becoming a slave to someone else’s dreams and fulfilling their life’s purpose while ignoring your own.

When you look at being a complete being it does intel focusing on what fulfills you versus what must be done to fulfill someone who doesn’t have your best interest at heart? When you fall asleep at night do you feel closer or further from what truly fulfills you? Do you follow your heart and intuition or listen to someone else’s desires for you? Answering these questions can give you a better idea of whether you are fulfilling your purpose. Yin and Yang when looking for your friends/partner in life look for a give and take relationship. Unfortunately, so many are used to giving it feels guilty to take. This is where many meet their downfall feeling gilding about their own expectations. Boundaries and expecting others to take accountability where they will not.

The first step in achieving your goals is to be honest with yourself about what you really desire unapologetically. Then take time to plan out how you want to achieve this goal. Each day, have 1 step to complete even if it's a baby step. Each day you will be closer to reclaiming your time, life, and happiness.

I would love to discuss this article further with you in helping you to find your life’s purpose and someone who can support you in those dreams. Reach out to me for a private reading. 


Farewell for now my friends,

Zodiac Empress

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