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Signs from the Universe by Ernest

Signs from the Universe

Do you ever see 11:11 on the clock? Do you 'coincidentally' hear someone talking about a topic that you’re also working on? These are all signs from the Universe to help you on your spiritual path! By becoming aware of it, you can get even more meaning out of it! That’s why I would like to show you here, which signs you may encounter and what it can mean.

Where do those signs come from?

We live in a Universe where everything is one. Everything is connected by energy. This includes you and your Spiritual Team, the Universe, God or your Higher Self (or whatever you want to call it). In addition, there is much more than we can see with our human eyes.

I therefore sincerely believe that we’re continuously supported in our lives by a Spiritual Team of Guides, Angels, Ancestors and the part of our Soul that is not incarnated here on earth.

This Spiritual Team is there to help you and they REALLY like to do that! Unfortunately, communicating with your team is not always easy. Certainly not if you have not yet developed your paranormal gifts. 

So, other ways are used in the form of signs! Signs from the Universe are literally messages and confirmations from your Spiritual Team, God or whatever you want to see or call it.

When are the signs of the Universe?

For me, signs from the Universe are something that others call coincidence, but I don't believe in coincidence. If a special series of numbers catches your eye, you see the same number(s) over and over again, hear a loud noise at a special moment or see something that is completely out of context, then it is probably a sign!

There are many more possibilities, so pay attention to what you encounter in your life! The Universe adapts the signs to you personally.

Angel numbers

1111, 2222, 3333, etc. The repeating series of numbers that you encounter again and again. And no, it is not a coincidence that you look at the clock at exactly 11:11 am or receive a voice message of 4:44 minutes! This all has a meaning. Just like other numbers that catch your eye. When are numbers, Angel Numbers or signs of the Universe? When they stand out to you or come back repeatedly.

Angel numbers are also often seen as confirmation that you are on the right track or have made the right choices. That's why many people experience repeating numbers like 111 or 222 when they have a spiritual awakening.

Loud noises

My personal favorite but also one of the most unknown signs of the Universe: signs in the form of sounds.

The Universe often confirms what you say by making a loud sound at that particular moment. This could, for example, be in the form of loud music that suddenly comes on, a loud bang or any other 'accidental' sound.

I recently experienced this myself. I was visiting a friend and we were talking about money. We were talking about big spending. At the moment I told my friend I had made a large expense, his son spontaneously started clapping. The boy was playing a game on his iPad and for him it was a spontaneous reaction to clap.

For me however, it was an applause from the Universe that I was a big spender! Also, it was confirmed it is allowed again. It is ok to spend money. They literally clapped for me for a reason! Chance? I don't think so.

So, if you suddenly hear a loud noise, pay attention. The universe confirms what you said at that moment!

Texts that pass by

Have you ever been sitting along a river musing about something and then a boat sails by with a name that matches it exactly? That's no coincidence either! And yes, the Universe really is so POWERFUL that it ensures that you and that boat cross paths at that exact moment!

Names on boats, words on trucks, titles of books: words are also often signs of the Universe for you. Especially because we are so focused on language, these can be powerful messages!

Physical Reactions

One person gets goosebumps, another gets a shiver down his spine and another's ear 'pops': physical reactions are also signs of the Universe! These reactions are often immediate and almost always match what is being said. For example, when you talk about something you heard, goosebumps or a specific shiver can confirm that it is true. But even when you want to make a choice yourself, a physical reaction can be a sign of which choice is best for you.

These physical reactions are often more personal than other signs, because every human body works differently. You can discover for yourself what a reaction is that returns more often. Also, an important distinction here is whether it comes from fear, your ego, or from your Soul, the Universe.

How do you recognize this distinction? By how you feel! A sign from the Universe makes you feel good and positive. Fear or your ego is often negative. Goosebumps when hearing a positive story can actually feel very positive!

Signs of the Universe are sometimes big

Of course, 11:11 stands out and the applause I received was not to be missed. That’s why it’s good to always pay attention to what you’re experiencing. The signs of the Universe are everywhere and it’s up to you to receive them! You sense, within yourself, when something is a sign. Do you notice? There's a good chance it's a sign for you. So, take it! See how it makes you feel. Embrace the love and support you receive from the Universe and your Spiritual Team. Enjoy it! 

You don't see any signs for a moment?  This is also good! Perhaps it’s not necessary at the moment, or you’re holding on too much. Just let it go. Your spiritual team will ensure that you receive the signs meant for you. Don’t think it's a coincidence!

The New Age - Everything about the Age of Aquarius and your mission as a Lightworker

The fact that you’re now so consciously concerned with signs from the Universe tells me that you’re at a wonderful point in your spiritual development. You’re discovering what spirituality has to offer you. And for good reason.

If you feel that you should dive into this more, then you’re probably a Lightworker: a soul who has come here to make the world a more beautiful place and to contribute to the developments towards the new era: the Age of Aquarius!

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