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Spiritual Awakening: The First Step

Spiritual Awakening: The First Step

“Spiritual awakening“, it’s a term that’s very familiar to people who are involved in spirituality. But if you've only just come into contact with it, you probably don't understand what it's about. For example, why is it called ‘awakening’? And what is involved? In this blog I would like to give you all the information!
What is spiritual awakening? Spiritual awakening is the first step on your spiritual path. It is the moment you become ‘aware’ and interested in spirituality. It is when you start asking questions such as “Why am I here?”, “What is my life's mission?” or “Is there more than what may eyes can see?”. You are increasingly looking for 'alternative' sources of information; you read articles about reincarnation, Chakras and mantras, maybe you book a Reiki treatment; you might talk to a medium or you will dive into spiritual books.  You slowly realize: “There really is more between heaven and earth than I always thought.” That is your spiritual awakening. Welcome to your spiritual path! Why is it called spiritual awakening? Spiritual awakening is actually synonymous with 'waking up' from the illusion of the 3-D world as you see it around you. The dream you lived in by believing that the physical world around you is the (only) 'truth', so to speak, is shattered. So, time to wake up and see the world for what it really is: a playground for your soul to gain experience!

This earth is no more and no less than a (beautiful large) playground where souls come to experience what it is like to live a life in this form. With all the possibilities that this earth and the human body have to offer. When you realize that, you have really woken up from this dream and therefore awakened spiritually!You are a soul that has a human body and you are a spiritual being undergoing a human experience! The most important 'lesson' you learn during spiritual awakening is that you are a soul experiencing a human life. This body in which you are now living this life, is what you leave behind when you leave this life. That body is the only thing that dies, that breathes its last breath. As a soul you move on to the place where you came from before you started this life. What is involved in spiritual awakening? Actually, there is relatively little involved in spiritual awakening. The realization within yourself that there is more on earth, that you are a soul and are here to have an experience, that is all that comes along with spiritual awakening. However, it can sometimes be a difficult process. Some people are awakened in a fairly 'brutal' way, for example through a Near Death Experience, where you consciously get a glimpse of the spirit world. Then of course you are shaken to your core and it is a challenge to deal with that information.

Fortunately, most people wake up in an easier way: Especially in these times, people are increasingly asking questions about whether what is happening in the world is correct. As soon as those questions arise and the answer is sought, then the process of spiritual awakening begins! Often seeds have already been planted by others at an earlier stage that suddenly come to light because it becomes more and more logical, or people come your way who have a different way of thinking than the regular news. All you have to do when those questions arise is to be open to different answers than you have been used to. But you can also awaken spiritually through a book you read, a movie you see or a conversation with someone. Often there have already been several small pushes that you have received. A moment like that gives you the final push you need to really open your eyes. A (spiritual) world opens up for you 

The moment you are open to spirituality, you really step on your spiritual path and awaken from the 3-D illusion, a whole new world opens up for you! Because the more you learn about spirituality, the more you realize that you actually don’t know anything.You will discover what Chakras are and what they do, how you can take better care of yourself by meditating and grounding (and also how difficult that often is), what gemstones do and what is the reason for our life here on earth and everything that happened. But what you can especially discover with spiritual awakening is what your thing is! What really suits you exactly? Who are you really on the inside? What do you want with your life or why did you choose this life? You will see that you are always looking for new information and possibilities. All to open your eyes even further and wake up even more. It's a wonderful quest and just the beginning!
Contact me and let’s discover your true potential!


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