With the help of Angels, Providence, ASHTAR, Tarot, and my own Oracle deck there isn't a question you have that I can't answer with full bodied information. You can ask what a person is thinking and I will not only tell you what they are thinking but WHY they are thinking it. So if it is your boss, your love, and your best choice in careers I can tell you everything. I am accurate and fast. For those interested in communicating with past loved ones all I need is a name, I don't need a birthday. An interesting thing has developed however within this service and in my business in general and that is the people who are attracted to my readings are psychic themselves! The best evidence for this is when I read a past loved one, I am discovering that the soul has highly evolved and the information shared is so profound. I also learned through reading these beings that they appear genderless. So when you inquire about a mediumship reading I will ask the name and relation only because it’s easier to be able to report to you with a "he" or "she". This development just thrills me because it proves that the world really is evolving into enlightenment as we are attracted to and open for deeper experiences.
I have been serving as a psychic advisor over 25 years and have never been happier with any other career choice in my life. Doing what you love makes all the difference in the world. I use the tarot and relay psychic communications I receive from Providence, and Angels. I started my education with hearing Angelic Choirs at about 6 years old and I was really confused when I found out my girlfriends couldn’t hear them. But that changed when shortly after I began to see them. After that I wasn’t lonely anymore. A metaphysical bookstore opened in the early 80’s close to home, (Seattle) and it is there I took every class and read every book and bought every crystal, pyramid, rune set and deck in the place. I studied the history of metaphysics along with the different religions. I owned a large salon at the time and started building a huge clientele of like-minded people so we would study and exchange readings. This went on for 25 years. I read at events and parties and in 2003, I decided to get out from behind the chair and do what I love the most. Helping others improve their lives through my many psychic skills.